Causes of Breastfed Weaning Resistance
- Frequent breastfeeding in older infants is the main reason. Examples are feedings more often than 4 times per day after 6 months.
- Excessive breastfeeding often comes from nursing for reasons other than hunger. Examples are nursing for crying, normal fussing or putting the child to sleep.
Potential Problems from Excessive Breastfeeding
- Sleep problems are the most common unintended consequence. The ability to sleep through the night is delayed. Night wakings to be nursed continue far beyond 6 months. Reason: Nursing is used to put your baby to sleep. Result: Child does not learn how to self-initiate sleep. Harm to the mother: Sleep-deprivation.
- Refusal of bottle feeds and mother needs to return to work or school. Not able to leave baby with a sitter.
- Refusal to eat any solid foods and over 6 months old. Reason: Missed the window of opportunity. Hard to start baby foods after 9 months old.
- Frequent interruptions of the mother's day by responding to crying for short (1 minute) comfort feeds.
- Anemia confirmed by a routine blood test at the age of 1 year. Reason: Breastmilk can only meet iron needs until 8 months.
- Older children may strongly resist weaning. Habits become harder to change with each passing month.
- If your child has any of these problems, please don't feel guilty. Excessive breastfeeding is given out ot love. Follow the tips on how to help your child become a more healthy breast-feeder. You can do this without having to wean your child.
Prevention of Sleep Problems and Feeding Problems
The following 2 recommendations are made to prevent potential feeding associated problems:
- Nursing a baby to sleep
is discouraged. It interferes with learning self-soothing behavior. It will cause persistent sleep problems. Exception: first 2 months.
- Comfort nursing
is discouraged. Comfort nursing is very brief nursing to calm a fussy child or one who seems unhappy, but not hungry. It will make later weaning more difficult.
- If your doctor or lactation advisor disagree, the choice is yours.