Watching your child struggle to breathe can be a terrifying experience. At First Pediatric Care Center, Gastonia, North Carolina, Dr. Margaret Lubega and staff offer diagnostic and monitoring services for asthma, including emergency treatments to protect your child’s health. If you suspect your child may have breathing difficulties, don’t delay treatment. Schedule an appointment online now or call the office.

A red inhaler with a black can in it

Asthma Q & A

  • What is asthma?

    Asthma is a chronic lung condition that causes your child’s airways to become inflamed and narrow. The airways also produce extra mucus that makes it difficult to breathe. In some cases, asthma issues are brief and infrequent. In more serious cases, asthma can interfere with daily life and can result in a life-threatening attack.

  • What are the symptoms of asthma?

    Symptoms of asthma vary based on each individual. Allergies and physical exertion can cause symptoms like:

    • Wheezing
    • Coughing
    • Chest tightness
    • Shortness of breath

    Asthma symptoms can worsen and indicate an oncoming attack if breathing becomes too difficult. Some people can prevent an asthma attack by using a prescription inhaler, while others need emergency medical treatment.

    Chronic asthma can impact your child’s daily life, forcing them to miss school or important events during an asthma flare-up. Your child may also need more frequent visits to Dr. Lubega for asthma monitoring and medical treatment in case of frequent asthma attacks.

  • What are the risk factors for asthma?

    If you or other close relatives have asthma, your child may be at increased risk for having the condition. Your child’s risk for asthma symptoms may also increase if they have allergies, including hay fever,

    Exposure to pollutants in the environment, such as smoke, chemicals, and mold can also trigger asthma attacks

  • What are the treatment options for asthma?

    Dr. Lubega’s goals in treatment are to prevent asthma flare-ups and to keep asthma symptoms well-monitored and under control. It’s important that your child learns to identify certain triggers and make lifestyle changes that are necessary to avoid attacks.

    Treatment may also involve prescription medications, including bronchodilator inhalers that reduce airway constriction and improve your child’s breathing ability. Your child may also need to take inhalation steroids medications that can alleviate inflammation.

    Additionally, Dr. Lubega may also suggest that your child takes allergy medications regularly to prevent the risk of asthma attacks. You may need to make certain lifestyle changes for your child to prevent breathing difficulties, including avoiding secondhand smoke and exposure to chemicals, mold, dust and certain pets.

    Dr. Lubega monitors your child’s asthma symptoms to determine if current treatment methods are effective at alleviating breathing difficulties and preventing serious asthma attacks.

    To learn more about available options for managing asthma, schedule a consultation online or by phone or read more information at the American Academy of Pediatrics website. 

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